A Strong Mental Game is About Balance

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What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “bulletproof mental game”? Many people think of an athlete with strong emotional control, almost like a robot devoid of emotions.

The truth is, a strong mental game is about balance. The balance between thinking and over thinking. The balance between allowing and forcing.

Exercise 1: Force of Will

You must learn when to push through and when to back off

Here is what most people think of when they hear “laser-like focus”:

  1. The face of an athlete with jaw set
  2. Squinty eyes
  3. Flexed muscles
  4. Game face
  5. You are warrior getting ready for battle.

Take a moment to do items 1-4. Imagine item 5.
Next, imagine doing a difficult jump.

How did it go?

Chances are, if you prepared like this and jumped, you would have trouble. Your body would be tight and your timing off. Muscles work together best when loose and ready for action.

There was a video a while back about a child who received a surprise kitten. It was obvious that this kitten was a dream come true. The little girl sat holding the kitten, crying so joyously it sounded like she was in pain. Your eyes stray to the kitten in her arms. The kitten is being hugged so tightly you wonder if it will survive.

Many times the more important the goal is, the more tightly we squeeze. We think about it all the time, wondering if it will happen. When it will happen. We over think it, work hard with desperation. We try to force things into place to get us closer to achievement.
What is the goal you want most?

  • To land a double axel or triple lutz?
  • To qualify for the National Championships?
  • To pass your tests
  • ???

Balance is the Key

You must learn when to push through and when to back off. Learning this balance takes time. Improvement comes through trial and error, constant practice, evaluation, revision and reflection.

Exercise 2: Channel your Focus

When your mindset is balanced, your muscles will be ready for actionThe following exercise will allow you to experience what we teach our students here at ICE.
Please take a moment to do the exercise, not just read it.

Instead of force of will, use laser-focus to channel your energy to a goal.

  1. Jaw slightly open, breathing from the belly.
  2. Eyes open and soft but strong focus
  3. Muscles relaxed and ready for movement
  4. Mood of anticipation and enjoyment

Take a moment to do items 1-3. Imagine item 4.
Now imagine doing the jump (same one as exercise 1).

How did it go?

Most skaters find that jumps and skill are easier when they are focused in a balanced way. Not too rigid, and not too lax. When your mindset is balanced, your muscles will be ready for action.

Set Position

This is how a soccer goalie sets up (from keeperstop.com):
“Calling it a “set position” may be misleading to some since “set” implies a static position rather than being balanced, light on the balls of the feet, and ready to react to any shot…”

A set and static mindset keeps you stuck.
A strong mindset is balanced and ready to react in all situations to keep you at your best.

Action Steps

Did you find yourself nodding as you read this or other mental game articles? Awesome. But reading alone will not lead you to a bulletproof mental game. You must take action. Take the first step to improve your confidence. Read and do the exercises in Confidence Myth Busters eBook, complements of ICE Mental Game Training.

Surprise kitten video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg_vjRKIjak