You Must Be Present to Win in Figure Skating (Mental Game Training is for Life #2)

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The goal of mental game training is to allow you to do your best work. This can be skating a personal best for a win or selling a million dollar business concept.

It is our habit to live in the past or the future. “The last time I competed at this rink I bombed my program!” or “If Peggy isn’t there, then I have a great chance of winning, because I will be the only one with a triple lutz.”

The only power you have is in the present moment. The present moment is the only time your choices and decisions count. You can’t change the past. The future is unknown. Continue reading “You Must Be Present to Win in Figure Skating (Mental Game Training is for Life #2)”

Mental Game Training is for Life (Mental Game Training is for Life #1)

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Many people make the mistake of thinking that only elite athletes would hire a mental game coach for mental game training.

The mental game strategies for sports and for life are the same.

Whether you want to be an Olympic champion or to be the best darn skater that you can be, mental game training can help.

Or if you want to be the creator of the next world changing device since the iPhone, or have a fun job that makes money, mental game training can help.

The mental game strategies for sports and for life are the same. 30 to 80 year olds pay thousands of dollars to business and life coaches to teach them what they missed.

Continue reading “Mental Game Training is for Life (Mental Game Training is for Life #1)”