Handle Perfectionism in Figure Skating

The following question is from a concerned parent:

I have a 12 year old skater who is a perfectionist. This controls her whole life. In competition, if she falls on one jump, it is devastating to her and she can’t control her emotions. She shuts down and can’t compete or perform. She is a high achiever in school and first chair violin. Her coaches say she has the potential to reach Nationals in the future, but the biggest thing holding her back is her mindset.

She is so hard on herself. Nothing she does is ever good enough. There are many days in practice that she is in tears of frustration. I keep asking her if she wants to quit but she just gets more upset.

I have tried reading books to her, motivational quotes, journaling and even not allowing her to skate if she cries on the ice, but nothing works. I need advice.

— Sports Mom

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The Secret to a Great Performance in Competition

Are you in your happy place?

Listen to the Audio version here.

Not the first question you’d expect if you are a high level competitive skater. Especially not before you start your off ice warm up on competition day.

I have worked with countless athletes, researched excellence, and am a student of life. It is true, being happy allows you to do your best work. Every day I teach athletes strategies that help them to get to their “happy place”.

That is why I was so blown away when a coach told me that he asked this of his skater.

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How to Deal With Self Doubt

Listen to the audio version here.

This article is about a common cause of frustration for skaters. One that slows them down and can keep them stuck, season after season.

It happens anytime a skater is unhappy with the skills they have (or skills they lack). For some skaters this happens after the intense the summer training season just before their big competitions. But for many this happens every week, or even daily. Continue reading “How to Deal With Self Doubt”

Mental Game Training Doesn’t Work for Me (Mental Game Training is for Life #3)

Most of us want to grow, but few want to do the hard work to changeAthletes contact us all the time with problems. We work to give the best response possible with an exercise or tip to get started. After a few weeks pass, once in awhile an athlete will say, “I tried it and it doesn’t work.”

Why is mindset change not instantaneous?

Did you land your double axel when you first started skating? No, it took years of development. Maybe you still haven’t landed it yet. There is a great amount of physical and mental development and practice that goes into a double axel. You know that, you live it every day.

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