Handling Expectations Will Get the Results You Want

The World on His “Should-ers”

Skaterdude works his skates off in practice. He has practiced so hard that he can now do all his jumps successfully. In fact, he has been skating clean or near clean programs for months now.

During competition season, his training center hosts exhibition days every week. This is where skaters do mock competitions. It’s an opportunity to skate in front of an audience under increased pressure, to practice for competition.

I know what you are thinking, “Skaterdude is in great shape. Consistently clean programs in practice…what is the problem?!” Continue reading “Handling Expectations Will Get the Results You Want”

The Frustration Routine

It’s the morning of her short program and Skatergirl is on her 20-minute practice ice.

Her warm-up has been great so far. She feels the exhilaration of the competition, feeding off the high energy of the other skaters on the ice with her. Every one of them is doing their own thing with focus and determination.

It’s time to warm up her triple Sal…shoot, she fell on her first attempt. Continue reading “The Frustration Routine”

What to do When Your Jumps “Feel Off”

When jumps don’t feel right,” many athletes start to worry about losing their jumps or jump consistency. In order to understand how to handle this problem, we will use one common situation that often causes jumps to feel “off.” That is, getting new skates.

No matter what the cause, this article gives you steps to take to help you get back on track when your jumps “feel off”.

Continue reading “What to do When Your Jumps “Feel Off””