Getting Over Overthinking

Loop, There It Isn’t

You are working on your loop jump with your coach, but you are having trouble landing it. Your coach gives you the same correction that you’ve been working on for the past few weeks – you need to check your left side on the takeoff, don’t let the left side open up.

You know this is a problem, and you have been working on it, but it’s not easy to do this consistently. You really want to get this jump; you are so close.

Continue reading “Getting Over Overthinking”

How to Find Your Motivation When the Rinks are Closed

I hope that you are doing well, staying physically distant, but socially connected.

Are you at home all day, with a little (or a lot) of time on your hands? Is it just now sinking in that this is “temporary normal” is not going to be over tomorrow?

As a mindset coach, you come here for expert advice. While I can’t fix this situation, I hope you find some food for thought. A way to begin to shift your perspective if you desire. Continue reading “How to Find Your Motivation When the Rinks are Closed”

How to Get Back on Track When the Rinks Are Closed

The gift of adversity

I hope you are thriving, or taking baby steps in that direction in this time of the unknown.

I’ve been checking in with my students all over the world. Most of their rinks are closed. The rest report their rinks will close soon. Just like you. 

Before I give you a tip about tackling the unknown, I’d like to tell you a real story about a gift I received from this adversity. Continue reading “How to Get Back on Track When the Rinks Are Closed”

For Consistent Jumps, Just Do the Jump

Doubling Down or Downing the Double

It’s time for Skatergirl to work on her jumps again, another chance to make her jump consistent. This time, she is working on her double axel. She does a backspin, then a few single axels to warm-up. Alright, she feels ready to go.

She gears up for the double axel. It is executed very well, almost axel-lent, one might say. The takeoff is smooth, the landing is solid. Skatergirl feels great.

Coach, wants her to do three double axels before her lesson.

“One down, two more to go,” she thinks to herself.

She takes a deep breath and starts the approach for the next jump. She feels a little nervous, “will the next axel be as good as the first?” She certainly hopes so.

Continue reading “For Consistent Jumps, Just Do the Jump”