You Don’t Need to Freak out before Competition

Skatergirl has a competition coming up, and she’s freaking out.
She’s worrying about all of the skills she can’t do.
All of the goals she hasn’t reached.

Her triple flip still isn’t consistent.
She hasn’t even started working on her triple lutz.
At the end of the season, she’s gonna age out of the Junior level.
With her current skills, she has zero chance of making the international team.

Even though she was fine last week, this week her worries are out of control.
What is she supposed to do?
How is she supposed to deal with these worries?


Competitions have a nasty habit of bringing all your worries and fears to the forefront.
They shine a spotlight on your goals, and highlight all of the ones you haven’t completed yet.

One day you’re fine.
Next, you’re worrying about all of your problems.

The jumps you haven’t landed.
The skills that aren’t consistent.
The goals you haven’t reached.

All of these issues set up camp in your head.

Is there any way to stop all this worrying?
After all, it only happens before competitions.

Yes, there is.
In fact, this is something that mental game training can help with.
You see, this is a mindset issue.

Fixing Your Mindset

If you’re struggling with this type of issue, the best time to start working on it is now.

Because, the issue will disappear again as soon as the competition is over.

All of those fears and worries will disappear, and you’ll forget about them until they show up again a week before your next competition.

Of course, there is no silver bullet.

Changing your mindset takes consistent effort over time, just like your physical skills.
And once achieved, you have to maintain it.

Start practicing now.
You wouldn’t start working on a new jump the day before a competition, the same goes for your mental game.

How do you go about changing your mindset?
First, see those worries in your head as the distractions they are.

This will give you the head space to stay focused on your training plan.
Instead of freaking out before every competition, you’ll be able to use the energy you saved and put it towards your training.

Start Today

You want to be a champion.
Stop looking for results everyday.

Focus on what’s in front of you, not the end goal.

This is where having a strong mental game really shines.
It keeps you in your body and focused on your current action, when under pressure.

That’s how you get to your best performance.

Mental skills training can make a difference because it can help you access what is already there during competition and practice.

Start here: download “Confidence Myth Busters,” a complimentary eBook and make a change.