How to Take Charge of Your Training (For Best Results Part 2)

In Part 1, For Best Results; Take Charge of Your Training,  you learned that for effective training leading to maximum improvement in the minimum amount of time, you need to:

  • Know your goals, and follow your plan.
  • Take responsibility for your journey.

That in order to reach your dream, you need to have clear goals, and take charge of your figure skating journey. By sitting in the driver’s seat of your skating journey bus, you know that you are going in the right direction toward your ultimate goal.

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For Best Results; Take Charge of Your Training (Part 1)

When go out onto the ice to compete, once the gate closes, you are on your own. Your coach and the rest of your team (parents, support coaches, trainers, mental game coach) can help you prepare, but you are the only one that can make the magic happen.
The truth is, whatever your sport, the only person responsible for your success is you. Coaches appropriate to your level may come and go throughout your development, but you (and your parents) are in it for the long run.

Continue reading “For Best Results; Take Charge of Your Training (Part 1)”

Post Competition Plan Helps You Train Like an Elite Athlete

Most skaters focus their energies on preparing for the competition and the competition itself, but don’t give much thought to what they do after the competition.

No, I’m not talking about the party or ice cream with friends.   I’m talking about planning for physical and mental recovery.

Planning what to do after a competition is not very glamorous, but without it, a skater’s risk for injury and burn out increases. Continue reading “Post Competition Plan Helps You Train Like an Elite Athlete”