Popping and circling are major sources of frustration and wasted practice time. Lots of skaters deal with this daily, some see an increase just before a competition.
Train Smart Before Competitions
Training harder leads to burnout or injuries, there is an alternative!
When you have a competition coming up, do you find yourself feeling more tired or achy? Do you often compete injured because you “tweaked” something during the weeks leading up to competition?
You are not alone. Continue reading “Train Smart Before Competitions”
How to Train A Mindset of Confidence and Trust
The words Confident and Champion are usually used together.
Have you ever seen a test session? A kid goes out there, and it looks like they don’t have a care in the world. They skate with confidence, and even though they made a few mistakes—they pass.
At that same test session, you did what was required of you, you were very careful, mindful of each movement because you were worried that you would make mistake and fail. In fact you only made only one minor mistake–but you didn’t pass. Continue reading “How to Train A Mindset of Confidence and Trust”