Skaters Nail New Skills in Off Season Practice

The “Off Season” in skating is a misnomer.
After the last competition of the season, a new season starts.  What “Off Season” really means for skaters is that it is time to “Work Smarter and Harder” to prepare for the next competition season.

When we think about the concept of off season, we probably relate it to familiar concepts.  In this case we are most familiar with sports like soccer, football or baseball. Continue reading “Skaters Nail New Skills in Off Season Practice”

5 Steps to a Practice Plan That Works

For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.Do you have a plan for your daily on-ice practice time?
If you have a plan, is it an effective practice plan, one that will take you towards reaching your goal?

Here are some symptoms that you either don’t have your goal in mind or that your practice plan is not one that will focus your energies towards your goal:

Your coach often talks to you about not working hard enough, that they, “Don’t want to see you standing on the ice doing nothing, so get busy and work”.

You think, “I am working, I already did everything on my list, what do I do now?” Continue reading “5 Steps to a Practice Plan That Works”

Appreciation Is Key to The Champion Mindset

Now is a great time to talk about the champion mindset and appreciation. You don’t have to wait for a special occasion or day for this.

I work with skaters on establishing a mindset for success. I teach them how to establish excellent daily habits and thinking that will serve as a basis for transforming their mindset from the ordinary to extraordinary where their highest goals are possible.

Skaters who strive to reach the highest goals in sport, can only do so if they live their life with the mindset for success. Consistency, commitment and accountability in sport is an extension of the same things in everyday life. Continue reading “Appreciation Is Key to The Champion Mindset”

The Frustration Routine

It’s the morning of her short program and Skatergirl is on her 20-minute practice ice.

Her warm-up has been great so far. She feels the exhilaration of the competition, feeding off the high energy of the other skaters on the ice with her. Every one of them is doing their own thing with focus and determination.

It’s time to warm up her triple Sal…shoot, she fell on her first attempt. Continue reading “The Frustration Routine”