Return to the ICE: Set Ground Rules to Handle Negative Thoughts and Self Doubts

You can save yourself a ton of energy and get back up to speed faster if you take a moment to set some ground rules before you take the ice.

Athletes perform better when they are relaxed and ready in body and mind.

Negative thoughts, worries and self doubts cause tension in your body and distractions in your mind that keep you from performing your best.

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Return to the Ice: What if I Have to Wear a Mask?

Recently, members of the ICE community shared their concerns about returning to the ice in a Return to the ICE Survey.

There were more than a few athletes and parents who reported being apprehensive about what training will be like with the changes due to the pandemic.

This quick tip is specifically about wearing masks during training. 
One athlete had concerns about not being physically able to run programs while wearing a mask.

Continue reading “Return to the Ice: What if I Have to Wear a Mask?”

How to Find Your Motivation When the Rinks are Closed

I hope that you are doing well, staying physically distant, but socially connected.

Are you at home all day, with a little (or a lot) of time on your hands? Is it just now sinking in that this is “temporary normal” is not going to be over tomorrow?

As a mindset coach, you come here for expert advice. While I can’t fix this situation, I hope you find some food for thought. A way to begin to shift your perspective if you desire. Continue reading “How to Find Your Motivation When the Rinks are Closed”

Three Sides to Skating Success: Technical, Physical and Mental

Stuck in the Mind-mud

Another season was over. It ended just like the two seasons before.

Each of the seasons started off well. Skatergirl was fresh after a break and felt motivated. She knew her goals for the season and was dead set on reaching them.

Her goals were simple:

  1. Land the triple salchow and triple toe loop consistently.
  2. Qualify for sectionals.

However, by the time the end of the season rolled around, she still wasn’t consistent landing her triples and was no closer to qualifying.

She didn’t understand it – what could be missing?

Continue reading “Three Sides to Skating Success: Technical, Physical and Mental”