Handle Your Competition Jitters

Handle Competition Nerves

After the last competition, you vowed to face the next one with confidence.  

Well, here you are today and that vision hasn’t come true.

You worked very hard to make changes, but you worry it’s not enough.

You are looking for a better way to handle the nausea, butterflies and shaky legs. You want to stop feeling dread before competition.

All you want is to feel calm, prepared, and excited, for competition.

You want a chance show off your true abilities.

You did everything right, then that moment hits.

Continue reading “Handle Your Competition Jitters”

Do You Get Caught up in the Pitfall of Comparisons?

Focusing on competitors will not help you skate your best. Do this instead:

Skaters and parents can go the whole season in a bubble. Skaters practice at their own rink for most of the year, compete against many of the same skaters at their local competitions, then get a dose of reality when they travel to a larger competition or reach their first qualifying competition.

What do you do when you get on practice ice and see skaters at your level doing higher level tricks? Continue reading “Do You Get Caught up in the Pitfall of Comparisons?”