How to Build a Pre-Competition Routine: The Secret to Success in Competition

Do you want to skate your best in competition? Then preparation is essential. 

Preparation that starts early, not just two weeks before your event. The beginning of a new season is the perfect time to start.

A common challenge skaters face is to skate their competition programs at least as well as they do in practice.

You might have heard this before: “Practice the way you compete, compete the way you practice.”

So how do you do this?

Continue reading “How to Build a Pre-Competition Routine: The Secret to Success in Competition”

If a Jump is Not Working, Stopping Might be the Best Option

Scene 1 – Wandering attention

Skatergirl is on the ice practicing her combo spin. She wants to improve her technique so that it will be centered and fast.

She skates around the rink to find a spot and does a quick sweep of the ice.

Okay, now to step into the right inside 3 turn, then forward… Hmmm, she wonders where she and her friends are going for lunch? Subway or pizza?

This Skatergirl is distracted.

Continue reading “If a Jump is Not Working, Stopping Might be the Best Option”

Find the Right Focus For You

Scene 1 – Wandering attention

Skatergirl is on the ice practicing her combo spin. She wants to improve her technique so that it will be centered and fast.

She skates around the rink to find a spot and does a quick sweep of the ice.

Okay, now to step into the right inside 3 turn, then forward… Hmmm, she wonders where she and her friends are going for lunch? Subway or pizza?

This Skatergirl is distracted.

Continue reading “Find the Right Focus For You”

Handling Expectations Will Get the Results You Want

The World on His “Should-ers”

Skaterdude works his skates off in practice. He has practiced so hard that he can now do all his jumps successfully. In fact, he has been skating clean or near clean programs for months now.

During competition season, his training center hosts exhibition days every week. This is where skaters do mock competitions. It’s an opportunity to skate in front of an audience under increased pressure, to practice for competition.

I know what you are thinking, “Skaterdude is in great shape. Consistently clean programs in practice…what is the problem?!” Continue reading “Handling Expectations Will Get the Results You Want”

I Can’t Jump When My Coach Is Watching

The Triple Toe Woe

Skatergirl is warming up her jumps before her lesson. Her triple toes are beautifully executed. She nails 3 of them before her lesson with Coach.

Now it’s time for her lesson. Coach asks her to do the triple toe.

This should be no problem right? She just did 3 of them perfectly mere moments ago.

She tries but can’t do it. She falls on the first one, pops the second one and circles on the third.

Her triple toe has become a triple no. Continue reading “I Can’t Jump When My Coach Is Watching”

The Frustration Routine

It’s the morning of her short program and Skatergirl is on her 20-minute practice ice.

Her warm-up has been great so far. She feels the exhilaration of the competition, feeding off the high energy of the other skaters on the ice with her. Every one of them is doing their own thing with focus and determination.

It’s time to warm up her triple Sal…shoot, she fell on her first attempt. Continue reading “The Frustration Routine”